Truck Driving Requirements & Age Restrictions By State

Trucking is a highly regulated industry. Laws and regulations made by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) are in a constant state of change in an attempt to make the roads a safer place for all drivers. On the table at the moment is whether or not 18 year olds should be allowed to drive across state lines, especially due to the alleged driver shortage, and the growing need for OTR drivers. Read on to find out more about driving age and other restrictions.

What are the CDL Licensing Requirements?

No matter which state you live in, there are certain things essential to getting your CDL.

All of these factors must be passed in order to get your CDL license. Without it, you will not be allowed to drive a truck.

CDL Restrictions

Restrictions on your CDL license will show authorities that you passed the CDL driving exam on a vehicle without certain components.

CDL Endorsements

Endorsements are always good to have, they broaden your scope of work and make you more marketable. Depending on which endorsements you have, you can also increase your earning potential.

The following endorsements are available, each one can be achieved by passing an exam:

Note: not all states allow all endorsements.

Truck Driver Age Restrictions by State

Each state has its own regulations and restrictions, above and beyond those enforced by the FMCSA. Across all states, it’s a standard requirement that you must have had your driver’s license that’s in good standing for two years before being eligible to apply for a CDL. You’ll also need to have your actual social security card. You’ll also need the proper auto insurance.

The majority of states require extra documentation for applicants who aren’t originally from the state they’re applying for their CDL in. Check with the DMV or Secretary of State to find out what you’ll need to provide in order to get your CDL.

Driver age restriction by state:

Is Truck Driving a Good Retirement Job?

While truck driving has a minimum entry age, it is open to virtually any age after that. That's including men and women who are retiring and looking for something new to keep them busy.

Many retirees who become truck drivers do so as a way to bring in income above and beyond their social security and pension. But also, as a unique way to see the country. Very often they’ll have their spouse and pet in the cab with them, creating new life experiences together.

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