The Service Request Form is the most effective way for colleagues to raise a maintenance or service request for UCL Estates and should be used for all requests except those requiring an emergency response.
This short form enables you to supply accurate details of the UCL location where your request is to be undertaken and encourages the provision of any other relevant information which may help the UCL Customer Services Centre coordinate the most appropriate response to your request.
You will receive a unique job reference number, attendance detail based on our priorities when the job is created and a notification email when the job is recorded as complete.
We will process all service requests within 24 working hours of receipt and proactively report any issues or delays which may adversely affect your completion date. Should you have any queries or problems with the Service Request Form you can email us at
What we need from you:
To advertise unwanted items please use the UCL WARPit re-use website instead of completing a service request for waste disposal.
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